Showing posts with label eye. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eye. Show all posts

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Confession # 9 ...... Splurge Alert

Yes, gals it is another splurge alert... Those Jimmy Choo's may be last season but, your skin will be with you for a lifetime so take care of it. Hydropeptide is a professional line of peptide based anti aging skin care products. Peptides are microscopic protein fragments able to trigger changes in skin health at a cellular level. As a former "sun goddess" I have done some damage to my skin, fine lines and sun damage being a huge problem. I have noticed a dramatic difference since switching to the Hydropeptide line. Cleanser $38, Toner $38, Face ( moisturizer )$98 are all part of my daily routine and Polish and Plump peel $68 once or twice a week. The SPF 30 $40 is a great face sunblock and has a very slight tint to cover any imperfections. I love these products and think they are worth every penny.Only buy from a reputable salon,spa or dermatologist office don't be fooled by discounted product elsewhere you may end up with old, expired product :(